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Mpesa Integration

Use Cases
C2B Integration
B2C Integration
b2B Integration

To sign up to Mobitech MPESA integration service call support or complete our contact form

Mpesa Integration

Integrate your application with the most popular mobile payment option in Kenya. We support M-Pesa integration across web and mobile, all you need is a M-Pesa Till Number or Paybill Number.

Advantages of integrating M-Pesa include; monitoring transactions in real time and the ability to further develop your system to process payments in a certain way, for instance processing of loan repayments.

M-Pesa integration for all your applications
Mobitech technologies MPesa integration

Use Cases


Customer to Business: Accept payments from your customers in real time.


Business to Customer: Send money conveninently from your business to cutomers


Business to Business: Transact across businesses seamlessly with M-Pesa B2B integration.

To sign up to Mobitech MPESA integration service call support or complete our contact form

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